According to a survey conducted at a recent production*:


We reach a national audience. At Macbeth alone, we reached people from at least 69 different hometowns across the country: many of which are in rural Vermont, and some are as far as California. FCR is based in Burlington, but we are dedicated to serving as many people as possible. That’s why we also film our productions and stream them for free when possible: so that anyone can access our work, no matter where they are.

We serve a younger audience than other production companies in the area. Over 40% of our audience is between ages 19 and 24, and nearly 60% is under the age of 35. Other local theaters market to older audiences. FCR’s dedication to creating theater by and for young adults is a distinct feature of our company, and one which has a visible impact on young people in our community.

We keep our theater affordable.  FCR is committed to preventing any financial barrier to seeing our performances.  Census data has demonstrated that the median income for people of ages 18-34 has been falling since 2008.  By keeping ticket prices low, our work remains accessible to young people, who are disproportionately impacted by financial constraints.  Donations and grants allow us to create theater without relying on expensive tickets for revenue.  

We introduce people of all ages to Shakespeare. For nearly 15% of our audience, FCR’s production was the first Shakespeare they had ever seen. And, for most of our actors, our productions are their first experience acting in a Shakespeare play. Introducing people to Shakespeare opens the door to an entire world of literature and art they may have never experienced.

We make Shakespeare accessible. At both Hamlet and Macbeth, audience members remarked that they “never understand Shakespeare,” but they felt they understood our shows. That’s because FCR brings Shakespeare down from his pedestal. We work hard with the language and our actors to show people Shakespeare’s language in a way they can see, feel, and comprehend.

*Survey conducted at Macbeth, performed in October of 2021.